
We know that people don’t enjoy reading Terms and Conditions, so we’ve kept them very short. Please don’t skip through without taking note before paying, because we will apply these terms to your reservation.

Our booking conditions are very strict.

You are able to buy travel insurance to cover your trip but we cannot insure ourselves against your plans changing. We are a small hotel with high demand and it’s not fair to expect us to keep our place exclusively for your use if you don’t guarantee us your payment.

Furthermore, it is now a requirement of the Indonesian authorities that you have a travel/medical insurance in place before you are allowed to enter Bali. You must rely on this travel insurance policy for any and all changes, delays, or cancellation of all, or any part of your stay at Swell.

If you don’t like our cancellation policy, it’s OK, we understand. You can wait to book closer to your travel dates to see if our villa is still available for you.

The remainder of your balance (the remaining 25% of your reservation cost) must be settled prior to check-in, either in cash or by credit card: Swell staff will process your payment on arrival. You won’t be allowed to check in without settling your balance, save for very late arrivals when your balance will be collected in the morning. You will also be asked for a $1000 USD refundable damage deposit alongside your arrival balance. This will be refunded to you once the villa has been inspected after you have checked out, as long as there are no deductions due to damage to the property or any fixtures and fittings. Damage will be photographed and reported to you.

Maximum occupancy of the villa is 16. You may not invite non-guests into the villa without the expressed permission of the villa owners.

Parties are not allowed and you risk being asked to leave the villa without notice if you cause a nuisance to our staff or our neighbours.

Make sure that your insurance policy also protects any belongings you bring with you to the villa. We will not take any responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal effects.

You will be asked for copies of all passports on check-in so that we can comply with Indonesian regulations that stipulate all guests must be registered at the local police station. Swell operates a very strict guest-only policy. We do not allow anyone onto the premises unless they are a registered guest.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are areas of the property that are risky for young children. For example, one side of the staircase is not guarded and there is a significant drop on one side. The pool is not fenced and there is also an unfenced fish pond containing an Oscar fish with a nasty bite for anyone who puts their fingers in the water. You will be responsible for the actions of all your guests, whether children or adults, whilst you are at the villa.

If you have any questions: do contact us, and you’ll get a reply from us in no-time.

Thank you for reading before paying.

Team Swell