Bingin Surf Report January 24, 2020


Bingin Surf report

January 24, 2020

Rainy season surf report for Bingin Beach, Dreamland, and Impossibles

bingin surf spot

Not much of a rainy season here in Bali so far this year. Temperatures are warm and dry. Light winds today, should even swing offshore later today. Waves are in the head high range at Bingin and provide ideal conditions for learning to surf or intermediates surfers looking to improve their surfing, as the tide gets higher. In a few hours as the tide gets lower should be some good barrels at Bingin for the advanced and expert surfers.

Impossibles was a little overhead with less than a hand full of people out in the lineup.

Uluwatu in the distance showed well overhead waves with glassy surf conditions, should get better on the lower tides.

Contact us via email if you are interested in a Bali Intermediate surf holiday
Waves: 3-5′

Wind: Light onshore to glassy:

Temperature: Warm

Cowdlevels: Very low

Surfing pictures Bingin Dreamland, Impossibles & Uluwatu , Bali




Here’s a new Uluwatu surf spot guide for surfing uluwatu


surf yoga retreat






Want to learn to surf in the Caribbean or Bali, contact us. Bali is an ideal location for surfers of all levels. Different surf spots offer different surfing conditions for people of various surfing levels in Bali. Don’t think the Bukit is only for hardcore surfers, it’s also an ideal location for learning to surf in bali.

We are currently in the process of building our new surf camp/surf hotel right in the center of Bingin. We will be open for the next high season, so if you are looking for your next places to stay on a surf holiday to Bali, have a look at the initial renders.

Located a very short walk to Bingin Beach, so you can surf Bingin , Impossibles and Dreamland without having to take a taxi or rent a scooter. Surfing Uluwatu & Padang Padang is only a 5-7 minute scooter ride away. There is no better-located surf camp in Bali!


Q: Where are the best beginner surf spots in Bali?

A: Best Bali beginner surf spots can be found in this article >

Q: Where do you surf in Bali in the rainy season?

A: Bali rainy season does not stop the surfing fun, here’s a list of some of the best surfing spots in Bali in the rainy season.

Q: Tell about Bali’s best surf spots

A: Here’s a list of some of Bali’s best surfing beaches that are close to Swell Bali. There are waves for beginners, intermediate surf and waves for experts.

More link for Surfing in Bali can be found here: surf

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Finding that Bali is getting to busy? Not to worry, Indonesia has 27,000 islands. The more remote you go, the less busy the surf is. WaveHaven Surf Villa has beachfront luxury surf accommodation in Rote overlooking 3 different surf spots

More info on here >>

more bali surf reports and news here

surfing bingin


BINGIN FUN SURF REPORT JUNE 18, 2022 For the whole of the last week we had fun surf in the overhead to 2x overhead conditions here on the Bukit’s surfing beaches in Bali. Yesterday at Mid to High tide showed how much fun Bingin Waves can be for intermediate and beginner surfers. Ideal For Family and longboard fun Waves: 2′- 3′ Wind:  offshore winds Temperature: Warm & clear skies, rain overnight   Surfing Small Bingin Waves For beginners and intermediate surfers June 18, 2022   Want more information about Surfing Uluwatu? Read our Uluwatu Surf guide.  Swell Bali is closed

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BINGIN SURF REPORT JUNE 10, 2022 The last 2 days we have had a great waves all over the Bukit. Uluwatu was in the 2 to 3 x overhead range. Padang was breaking today, and had some nice barrels. Waves at Impossibles were in the double overhead range, but there was a long wait between sets. We took some photos of Bingin, which was pumping. There were about 20 surfers out, the sets came through very consistently and every surfer in the water was getting their share of waves and barrels Waves: 5′- 8′ Wind: Light offshore winds Temperature: Hot,

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Uluwatu Surf Report April 13

 ULUWATU SURF REPORT April 13 , 2022 Last 2 days had some very fun waves at uluwatu, Impossibles and Bingin. Today April 13th it has dropped off, but still some overhead waves at Uluwatu. Bali is slowly getting a new influx of tourists, so the locals at the warungs are smiling more and more as they can start to make some money to feed their families. When you come (back) to bali, don’t haggle them for lower prices, they have had a very tough 2 years! Waves: 2′- 4′ Wind: Light offshore winds Temperature: Hot, clear skies   Surfing Uluwatu

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surfing bingin


BALANGAN & BINGIN SURF REPORT MAY 15TH, 2021 If you are in Bali now, and you are a surfer this will be a fun weekend for you. Waves are good! Uluwatu had some very solid overhead + waves in the mrning (sorry no photos today). Balangan had some fast barrels. Bingin at around 15.30 was a perfect barrel machine, every surfer I saw was getting a barrel, and 90% were coming out of them. Impossibles had some double overhead waves on the sets, but not easy to get into because of the 20+ knots winds. More good surf for the

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SURFING ETIQUETTE: THE RULES (Or what to do and what not to do) When you decide to learn to surf, you are not only beginning a new sport.  The nature of surfing is not only about the physical activity of catching waves, it’s a culture, a lifestyle and for most of us surfers, it’s an obsession.   As surfing becomes ever more popular, surf breaks become busier and therefore, the ‘etiquette’ of surfing more important still.  Knowing about surf etiquette and how it works will keep you safe, prevent you from being involved in a “surf rage” incident and will almost

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surfers etiquete in the line up


BINGIN SURF REPORT MAY 6TH, 2021 We have had great surfing conditions here on the Bukit of Bali the last few days. Solid overhead waves at Impossibles, Bingin, Dreamland & Balangan. Uluwatu was in the double overhead wave range. Impossibles was still peeling long lefts today. The next few days the current Swell is going to slowlyfade, and then a new pulse is going to set in. Surf Season has truly started here in Bali. Waves: 3′- 7′ Wind: Light offshore winds Temperature: Hot, clear skies   Surfing Bingin & Impossibles picture gallery May 6 , 2021   Want more

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surfing uluwatu

Uluwatu Surfing report April 25

 ULUWATU SURF REPORT April 15 , 2021 New Swlel arrived today, not quit the 12-15′ foot Uluwatu as predicted, but still solid waves in the double overhead range at the Peak, and Temples, and long peeling waves at racetrack. Light offshore wind and clear skies. The whole wind shows a similar wave size on the Bali Surf forecasts. Waves: 4′- 7′ Wind: Light offshore winds Temperature: Hot, clear skies   Surfing Uluwatu picture gallery April 25, 2021    Want more information about Surfing Uluwatu? Read our Uluwatu Surf guide.  Corona update: Bali  ( or the whole of Indonesia for that

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 ULUWATU SURF REPORT April 10 , 2021 Swell arrived a few days late, but today seems to be the start of the Bali ’21 Dry surf season. Overhead + waves at Impossibles, The tide was a little too high for Bingin to be barreling at midday. Uluwatu had some solid 1,5 to 2 x overhead waves, and racetracks was firing when the tide got lower. This coming week should see plenty more good days of surfing here on the west coast of Bali, since the winds have finally turned offshore or very light side onshore. Waves: 4′- 7′ Wind: Light

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 ULUWATU SURF REPORT MARCH 11 , 2021 Yesterday seemed to be the start of the surf season here in Bali, glassy and light offshore surf conditions here at the west coast of Bali. Clean conditions at Uluwatu (overhead), Impossibles (head high) and Bingin (head high). There are les and less surfers here now in Bali, so at least the locals and expats that live here have one advantage of being in Bali during the Pandemic, although financially everyone is struggling, good surf makes up for some of the pain. Waves: 3′- 5′ Wind: Light winds Temperature: Warm, clear skies  

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uluwatu surf report


 ULUWATU SURF REPORT FEBRUARY 16, 2021 New Swell has strated to kick in, with pretty clean and glassy conditions. Tide was very high when the pictures were taken at Uluwatu. Only7 or so surfers out. and some had to do a loop around the cave to get back in because of the high tide + strong current. Wave size should increase and provide good surf conditions for the next few days Waves: 4-6′ Wind: Light winds Temperature: Warm, clear skies   Surfing Uluwatu picture gallery February 16, 2021  

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surfing bali


Thinking about a surf trip to Bali? If so, there are 2 important questions to ask yourself before going: 1- Where should you go in Bali? 2- When should you go to Bali? To answer the first question: we chose the south of Bali, the Bukit Peninsula for very good reasons.  For 8 or 9 months each year we are surrounded by Bali’s best waves; not just for expert surfers, but also for intermediate surfers and also for people who have never surfed before.  We are located in the surf town of Bingin, with surf spots like Bingin, Impossibles, Dreamland,

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Surfing Balangan


SURFING BALANGAN   A surfing guide to surfing Balangan Balangan is one of Bali’s iconic left-hand reef breaks that doesn’t get as much attention as it’s more famous siblings like Bingin, Padang Padang and Uluwatu. THE LOCATION OF BALANGAN Balangan is located just north of Bingin and Dreamland beach, about 500 metres north of Bingin, but access is blocked off from Bingin by a headland, where the start of the Balangan wave is. You could paddle from Dreamland to Balangan on small days, but on big days this is definitely not recommended. Access to Balngan is easy, there are 2

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